Hi! I’m Megan but most people call me Meg!  I’m the founder of Intended for Good!

If you’re reading this I finally shared my story! How crazy! I’ve known for a long time that I needed to share my testimony with the world and for a long time I was scared to. After so much meditation and time spent with God, my perspective started to change about telling “my story.” It is hard to share about something that requires me to be so vulnerable but that is one of the main things God has taught me through this experience, it is better to be vulnerable. Allow people to hold you up when you can’t stand on your own. Tell someone what happened. Cry in front of people. Lean not on your own understanding; but on the peace that surpassed all understanding! 

Our name came from a verse that has resonated with me for a while; Genesis 50:20. 

you intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Genesis 50:20”

Realizing this truth, that whatever the circumstances may be, they are intended for good, requires an understanding of who God is and of how we are defined by what God says and not our circumstances. Living it out requires belief and trust in the unconditional love of God and listening to His voice of truth rather than feelings based on the voice of  “the accuser.” Understanding and living by this “intended for good” truth will not remove difficulties from life, but will enable us to go through difficulties with a different perspective that will develop character, bring spiritual maturity, and open our eyes to the fulfillment of God’s promises through our pain. 

My story isn’t even really my story either and that’s honestly the main reason why I need people to hear it. It's a story about God. I saw something that said, “one day you will tell your story about how you overcame that battle you went through, and God will send you the exact people who need to hear that story.” So hello! He sent you here I guess. Maybe He wanted you to read my story because you’ve gone through something similar, maybe you needed to be reminded that there is a purpose in your present struggle, or maybe you just needed to be reminded that it is better to be vulnerable. Whatever the reason may be, I’m glad you are here!

Unfortunately I was not the first to experience what I have and I won’t be the last. God will use my testimony for His glory. It is strange now to say that I'm grateful for what happened; but I have never been nearer to the Lord. “My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.” Psalm 119:71. 

Fear and shame silenced my voice, until the day I realized I had done nothing wrong. The guilt and the shame were never mine. I cannot change the past, the event to which I succumbed. But I can focus on the present and change what is to come. I know what it’s like to feel worthless and as much as it depends on me, I don’t want anyone to ever feel how I did. God has restored my spirit and I’ll fight alongside Him for myself and others. Not for a minute was I forsaken. I’ve been made new and will continue to praise Him.

You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved